BIOGRAPHY I’ve been playing since I was 6 years old. Played youth cricket for Jamaica U15 before coming to America then last year I made my international debut against Ireland..,was mvp in the minor league this pass season as well and made 2 centuries finish with 482 runs in 14 games…
BIOGRAPHY "Preet Shah is a off spinner and explosive middle order batsmen. I started playing professional cricket at the age of 15. I have hardly played youth cricket. I have represented in many clubs and tournaments over the year. I was selected for New Jersey Stallions in minor league last year. I had match winning...
BIOGRAPHY "I have played under 15 for the state of andhra pradesh. I have played 2 day leagues for 4 years in hyderabad. I have been playing club cricket since 2016 in USA. I am a right arm fast bowler (125+kph). I am a right handed batsman ( number 3-6)"
BIOGRAPHY I started playing from a young age and then continued playing at university level with Hong Kong University Cricket club in local leagues for 4 years. Recently, after moving to US, I have played in Commonwealth Cricket League in New York and LI with LI Kings team for past 4 seasons. I am a...
BIOGRAPHY I have been Playing cricket all my life. Each year I am MVP for my time and always a team player. Always lead by example and try to motivate everyone else in my team. I have won best bowler for multiple tournaments and have had chance to take multiple Hatricks over the years. Just...